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The Music Box : PAHB 151

Date & Time

March 12, 2025, 4:00 pm5:15 pm


Beyond Queens and Captives: Women in Angola, 1500-1880s
This presentation problematizes the invisibility of women in West Central African history, specially in the pre-1850 period. It is based on my upcoming book, Beyond Queens and Captives, and covers a long period marked by change, including contact with Europeans, Portuguese conquest, expansion of the Atlantic slave trade, centralization of local states, growth of local forms of slavery, and transition to trade in natural resources. It ends with the so-called scramble for Africa in the 1880s, when European powers divided the African territories into colonies. In this study, and this presentation, African women are the main historical actors, as rulers, farmers, merchants, and healers. They played crucial productive and reproductive roles in West Central African societies. In this talk, I will examine some life stories to explore how internal and external factors led to profound transformations in West Central African societies.

Mariana P. Candido is the Winship Distinguished Research Professor of History and the director of the Institute of African Studies, at Emory University.
Dr. Candido is a specialist in West Central African history during the era of the transatlantic slave trade. Her books have received awards, including the 2023 African Studies Association Best Book Award in African Studies for Wealth, Land and Property in Angola: A History of Dispossession, Slavery and Inequality (Cambridge University Press, 2022). Her previous book, An African Slaving Port and the Atlantic World: Benguela and its Hinterland (Cambridge University Press, 2013); received an honorable mention / African Studies Association. She has also published Fronteras de Esclavización: Esclavitud, Comercio e Identidad en Benguela, 1780-1850 (Colegio de Mexico Press, 2011), translated into Portuguese Fronteras da Escravização (Universidade Katyavala Bwila, 2018). Candido has organized A Cultural History of Slavery and Human Trafficking in the Age of Empire (Bloomsbury, 2024); co-edited with Adam Jones, African Women in the Atlantic World. Property, Vulnerability and Mobility, 1680-1880 (James Currey, 2019); Carlos Liberato, Paul Lovejoy and Renée Soulodre-La France, Laços Atlânticos: África e africanos durante a era do comércio transatlântico de escravos (Museu Nacional da Escravatura/ Ministério da Cultura, 2017); and Crossing Memories: Slavery and African Diaspora, with Ana Lucia Araujo and Paul Lovejoy (African World Press, 2011). She has also authored more than 30 articles.
In 2022, Mariana Candido was elected a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, UK. She is the recipient of fellowships from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK; the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, the American Academy in Berlin, the American Council of Learned Societies, the American Philosophical Society, the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, and the Luso-American Foundation. Since 2016, Candido is one of the editors of the African Economic History and, since 2018, she serves as one of the five associate editors of the Oxford Encyclopedia Research of Slavery, Slave Trade and Diaspora
Instagram @maripcandido
Twitter @CandidoMarianaP
Facebook mariana.candido.58511

Meet & Greet

Dr. Mariana Candido - Author of Beyond Queens and Captives


The Commons : Women's Center

Date & Time

March 12, 2025, 11:30 am1:00 pm


We are excited to welcome Dr. Mariana Candido from Emory University, author of the forthcoming book, Beyond Queens and Captives.

Join us at the Women's Center for a meet and greet with Dr. Candido, and learn more about her fascinating research!

*Open for full participation by all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other protected category under applicable federal law, state law, and the University's nondiscrimination policy.

Food provided!  Sponsored by the Women's Center.


ACRONYM Concert at Shriver Hall

MEMS has student tickets and transportation!


Off Campus

Date & Time

December 8, 2024, 4:00 pm9:00 pm


On Sunday, December 8, Baroque band ACRONYM will be performing at Shriver Hall. MEMS has secured a block of free student tickets and reserved one of the CAHSS buses to transport students from UMBC to the concert. This is a fantastic opportunity to see an exciting group! Tickets are limited and first come, first served. Email Dr. Lindsay Johnson at to reserve a student ticket and indicate if you plan to take the bus.

The bus will leave campus at 4pm and return around 8pm. The concert begins at 5:30pm and includes a 4:30pm pre-concert interview with the performers.



Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall

Date & Time

December 6, 2024, 1:15 pm3:00 pm


Four members of the Baroque band ACRONYM will lead an open discussion and workshop with UMBC's Collegium Musicum. They will speak about their performance process, which begins with finding pieces in archives and ends in performance. As their website says, the group "is dedicated to giving modern primers of the wild instrumental music of the seventeenth century." Come listen and learn something new about 17th-century music!


Phat Phancies and other English Ditties

UMBC Collegium Musicum in concert


The Music Box

Date & Time

November 22, 2024, 7:30 pm8:30 pm


On Friday, November 22 at 7:30 in The Music Box, the Department of Music presents the UMBC Collegium Musicum in a concert entitled Phat Phancies and other English Ditties. The ensemble will perform a variety of short works in small consort groupings using viola da gamba, recorder, and drum.

UMBC Collegium Musicum is a performance ensemble dedicated to exploring and performing vocal and instrumental music from Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods, sampling musical repertories created between 800 and 1750. 


MEMS Spring Colloquium

What's Love Got to Do with It? A Lecture by Cord Whitaker


Performing Arts & Humanities Building : 132

Date & Time

April 4, 2024, 4:00 pm6:00 pm


What’s Love Got to Do with It?: Medieval Romance as Critical Race Studies Archive


Premodern critical race scholarship regularly treats medieval romances as evidence for the development of race in premodernity. It is less common for scholars to discuss why studying the medieval romance genre on the whole is productive. This talk argues that medieval romance, with all its adventure, irony, and burgeoning interiority, was especially well equipped to register the concerns and “cultural fantasies”—political and personal, artistic and administrative—of people in Christian Europe in the eleventh through fifteenth centuries CE. This talk also explores the elements of medieval romance that supply its enduring power and have allowed it to shape a modernity in which love is taken for granted as integral to familial structures and as a desirable end in-and-of itself. While, since the Enlightenment, romantic love has often been used to maintain racial distinctions and hierarchies, this paper will consider the ways the romance tradition also enfolds cultural, religious, and racial diversity that challenges those very distinctions. I will present as evidence several medieval romances that challenge modern racial distinctions: the King of TarsAucassin et Nicolette, and Le Roman de la Rose, among others. This paper asks: What are the medieval romance archive’s implications for modern racism and antiracism? And, finally, what’s love got to do with them?

Dr. Cord J. Whitaker is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and Creative Writing at Wellesley, where he specializes in the literature of the Middle Ages and the histories of race and racism. The author of Black Metaphors: How Modern Racism Emerged from Medieval Race-Thinking and a host of articles on race and the Middle Ages as well as the editor of important volumes on the topic, Whitaker has led significant initiatives in diversity and inclusion within medieval studies and beyond.


Identity and the Environment in pre-modern Race-craft

An Interactive Workshop by Dr. Molly Jones-Lewis


Performing Arts & Humanities Building : 441

Date & Time

March 11, 2024, 12:00 pm1:00 pm


The world before the Atlantic slave trade was one of great diversity, cooperation, and conflict where people negotiated complicated webs of identity and belonging. It was also one with several models for race - a process of categorizing people into groups with differing levels of inclusion and exclusion. A particularly durable idea, present from the 6th century BCE and dominant into the early modern period, is that of environmental determinism: people are shaped by the land they inhabit and external conditions create human difference. In this workshop, led by Dr. Molly Jones-Lewis of Ancient Studies, participants will explore this early form of "scientific" racecraft and its legacy and think through the ways we still map people into the landscape.



Performing Arts & Humanities Building : 246

Date & Time

May 9, 2023, 6:00 pm8:00 pm


Due to family emergency, this game night is canceled and will be rescheduled.

Want to play theme-appropriate strategy games like Carcassonne, mingle with fellow MEMS-aficionados, and eat pizza?
Come to our game night and learn about the minor and get to know our small but enthusiastic community.


Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall

Date & Time

May 5, 2023, 7:30 pm9:00 pm


Come to our loose interpretation of an early modern salon! Leave your concert-going expectations at the door. This quasi-theatrical event puts the audience and the performers in conversation and in close proximity, as would have occurred during a meeting of a musical society in seventeenth-century Tuscany. Written by MEMS students and performed by members of Collegium, this collaboration will be an evening to remember!

Reception to follow.

History Behind Henry V at Chesapeake Shakespeare Company

Masculinity, Warfare and the State, with Dr. Froide


Off Campus

Date & Time

May 1, 2022, 1:15 pm2:00 pm


Chesapeake Shakespeare Company is very excited to host Masculinity, Warfare, & the State: The History behind Henry V on Sunday, May 1, at 1:15 pm.  This pre-show discussion is free and followed by a performance at 2 pm of Shakespeare's "Henry V."  Dr. Amy Froide will lead a discussion on some of the real people and events that appear in Shakespeare's text.  These include the Hundred Year's War between England and France, the role of the English yeomen and their weaponry at the battle of Agincourt, emerging English nationalism, and the popular idea of the 'warrior king' who leads his men into battle. This is an ideal that still holds resonance today and can be seen in the media's portrayal of President Zelensky during the present Russia-Ukraine War.
The theater is offering UMBC faculty and students $24 (half price) seats for the performance.  You can reserve seats online at or by calling the box office at 410-244-8570 and using the code H5student.  This is an in-person event--you will need to bring proof of vaccination and wear a mask.  Chesapeake Shakespeare Company is located at 7 South Calvert Street Baltimore, MD 21202.

Once you have selected which section you would like to sit in from Orchestra or 1st Mezzanine, choose your seat from the BASIC price level (or the green colored seats online).  This will add them to your cart.  You will then select if you want your tickets emailed to you, or if you prefer to have them held at will-call.  Then you click NEXT.  On the following screen, you will enter your discount code H5student.  This will apply the discount and unlock the $24 ticket price.  You then complete the remaining personal information and payment on the final screen.